Saturday, December 12, 2015
Weigh in: 12-12-15
Let's get back on track. I was just so excited about my Christmas present that I had to share it with y'all. The past few weeks Brad hasn't lost any weight but he hasn't gained any either. He has been breaking even. As I have mentioned in previous posts, this time of year is always so hard for him. Work provides different meals for the entire plant and his supervisor provides meals as well. He has had to turn down food that he normally wouldn't have. It is so hard to say no when you still can remember the way that it tasted. He is just wanting to get through the holidays without gaining any weight or as little as possible if he is going to gain.
I have done pretty good this week. I have lost 1.8 pounds since last week. I have 9 pounds before I reach my goal weight. I have also had several NSV which are non-scale victories. I have never been able to run in shorts. My inner thighs would always rub together and I would end up chafing really bad. The first half marathon that I ran I wore shorts. I remember around mile 3 that I forgot to put anti-chafing cream on and I still had 10 miles to go. I was constantly pulling my shorts down and by the time I crossed the finish line, I was in pain. Not only from running 13.1 miles but because I had rubbed my inner thighs raw. I cried when I took a shower and I had to tape gauze around the raw areas just to put on pants.
I am telling you all this because this morning I was able to run 3 miles in shorts!! I have never been able to do that and I didn't have any issues with my legs rubbing together. Score!! My second NSV is that I can wear a pair of pants that I haven't worn since high school. They are a 7 in juniors!! I am beyond excited. I have worked hard to get where I am at and I am finally liking the person that is looking back at me in the mirror.
In the picture above, Brad is looking awesome!! I couldn't be more proud of the way that he is sticking to this. Even though he hasn't lost any weight in the last few weeks, he isn't giving up. The pants that I am wearing in the picture are my size 7. I am beginning to really see a difference. Next time I blog, I will be posting a side by side picture of when I actually started working out. Until next time.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Weigh in 11/28/15
I lost .4 pounds this week as well. Which isn't bad at all. To be honest, I have been snacking on some of the kids Halloween candy more than I should so losing some was definitely a plus. Below is my weekly picture.
Running of the Turkeys
Unfortunately he changed his mind due to someone saying something to him about his pace. I kept trying to talk him into doing it because he was so excited in the beginning. I waited till the last day to register to be guaranteed a shirt and he still didn't want to do it. So I registered for the 10k and made him promise me that him and his sister would run across the finish line with me. This is one of the best things about local races.
As race day approached, I will admit that I was a little nervous. Which isn't uncommon for me but I think that it had more to do with my goal. Before every race, I always set a goal finish time. For this particular race, I wanted to finish it in less than an hour. This has been a goal of mine for a 10k for almost four years. Mainly because when I first started running it took me an hour to run five miles. While there is nothing wrong with that, I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. That I could work hard and cross that finish line in under an hour.
Race day was finally here and I was ready to go pick up my bib number to head to the start line. I had my husband with me camera in hand and my kids following a little bit behind us. Questioning everything that we did.
For this particular race, I chose to run without music for two reasons. One it was raining and I didn't want my phone to get wet since that is what I use for music and I have just gotten use to running without it. Two I just wanted to enjoy the run. Not worry about what song was on. Just simply enjoy myself.
I approached the start line and listened to the pre-race instructions. Then we were off. I will admit that I took off entirely too fast. My pace for at least a tenth of a mile or more was between 7:30-8:30 minute mile. A pace that I am not use to running for that long of a distance. It took a little bit but I was finally able to get my pace steady. When I came to the first water stop, I stayed there a little longer than I should have which added a little bit of time to my overall pace.
For a little bit, I ended up running next to a teenage girl that I would learn after the race to be 13. She is an amazing runner. A friend of hers told her that she was the second female overall for the 10k so she gave me one quick look and took off. After that, she was at least a minute maybe a little less ahead of me. By the time I came around to the water stop again, I didn't have to stop because I wouldn't have met my goal and I was so very close. My legs were starting to hurt and I remembered the quote below.
I set out to run a 10k in under an hour and I wasn't finished yet. So I kept on and before I knew it I had the finish line in sight. That same girl was still ahead of me and beat me by 50 seconds or so. That is ok but I soon realized that I was going to finally meet my goal. Plus my kids were going to run and meet me.
The picture above was right after the kids ran up to me. Yes I could have sprinted to that finish line and shaved a few more seconds. Although that idea is nice, this is what it is all about. Making memories and what is better than making memories with your kids.
This picture right here is one of my favorites. You can see the smile on my son's face but I hate that you can't see my daughter's face. To make sure that we got the timing right, I had a small "window" to run through and it blocked her. :( Considering the way that my son is smiling I will take it.
My official time was 59:34!! Every other 10k was over an hour so I got to PR and run across that finish line with the kids. Can't get much better than that. What is one of your favorite races and why?
Sunday, November 22, 2015
What is your goal?
This is where meeting your goal can be hard. You want to eat what everyone else is eating. You want the same size pie, same amount of gravy and mashed potatoes or another roll or two. I am so close to my goal weight right now that honestly I am worried about the holidays. I know that I will more than likely go a little overboard with my food choices. I am going to try my best but not everywhere that we go will have healthy options. It is going to be hard to stay on track. Since we are going to do something small at our house on Thanksgiving day with a little more healthier options, we are going to adjust our eating plan.
Instead of having our free day on Sunday this next week, we are going to move it to Saturday. This is when our Thanksgiving is going to take place. We will still have to watch what we eat but it won't be as bad. We are hoping that the holiday season won't cause us to gain any weight. We will just have to wait and see.
Now on to this last week. We have had a little bit of a slow week. Mainly for Brad. I believe that he would have lost more weight than what he did if he didn't have his meal at work. We have both have learned that since we have changed the way that we have been eating that it doesn't take long for us to be full. Isn't that crazy?
Above is a picture of Brad. To date, he has lost almost 25 pounds!! I am so incredibly proud of this man. He has been such an amazing husband in the years that we have married and especially in the last couple of years. I am amazed at this man everyday and couldn't ask for anyone better.
Above is a picture of me. To date, I have lost almost 14 pounds. I have a little over 11 pounds before I hit my goal and I honestly never thought that I would see this day come. I got up to highest weight of 194 in January 2011 and have been working out for almost 5 years. There's been times that I have put on more weight and then had to lose it again. That time was so aggravating but now I am on the right track and can't wait to be able to share with you the day that I am FINALLY able to share with y'all that I have hit my goal weight.
Thank y'all for staying tuned and supporting us in our weight loss journey. Until the next time.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
You lose to gain
We have also learned that in order for us to gain a better life, we have to lose some to gain. Not necessarily pounds or inches but other things as well. I have had to let go of people that have been a bad influence on me or have been involved in things that I didn't need to be around. People that constantly want to live in the past and be negative all the time. People that I had a hard time letting go but knew that I needed to do it. Mainly for my sanity and my happiness. Stress causes me to gain weight. For the last year and a half, I just kept going up and down.
I stayed stressed because of things that were said to me and I am thankful that I have been able to let go of that. I still have my good days and my bad days. This journey has been so much more than losing weight that I put on. It has been more about gaining my life back. The way that my life use to be before the decisions that I made that ultimately caused a downward spiral on my life. I have gotten my life under control now and wouldn't be where I am at without God and my wonderful husband.
Now that I got off track just a little bit, we will get to our weekly weigh in. This week I don't have a separate pic of Brad and I. Instead, I have pic of us together with my daughter Peyton. I have lost a pound this week and Brad has lost a pound and half. Total for us since starting on September 21 has been 12 1/2 pounds for me and 24 pounds for Brad. This week we were thrown off a bit because the kids had their Thanksgiving lunch at school. It is hard for us because we have two and their lunches are always so close together. Since we had carbs on a low carb day it probably affected our weigh in a little bit but we both lost. We can't complain at all though.
We are starting to notice changes in ourselves. For instance, Brad is having to add another hole to his belt and his pants are starting to fit looser. Soon he will be buying a size down and that is awesome!!! I know he is excited. He has stuck with it for almost 2 months and he is seeing changes. When you have worked and worked without seeing in changes, it can be discouraging. This time is different and I am so glad that we found something that worked for both of us.
I have gotten in a size 9 in pants that are juniors and they are fitting extremely loose. I won't be able to wear them soon and I just got to where I could wear them. I also can wear a 7 in juniors. I don't like how they push up on my sides a little but soon I will be able to wear those without a problem as well. I haven't been this small in my adult life and I am beyond thrilled. I am looking forward to summer because I have worked hard.
We both are looking forward to summer and going to the beach. This is the first time that I have been excited to buy a bikini. I am hoping that buy summer time that I will be have abs showing. You have to have goals right?
Below is our weekly picture. Look at my sweet baby girl. She was so excited about taking a pic with us and Bradley did so well taking the pic for us. It is hard to get a pic of all of us together.
I am extremely grateful for being able to go on this journey with my husband. We have been through a lot and for us to come out on top is amazing. Thanksgiving is going to be a little hard but we are determined to come out ahead. We have talked about changing our free day from Sunday to Saturday when we do our Thanksgiving with Brad's side of the family. We are preparing ahead of time so that we can still be successful. What is everyone else doing to stay on track close to the holidays?
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Zooma Half Marathon
Yesterday was a busy day for us because we had things going on with the kids that we couldn't leave any earlier than 2. We usually have our kids stay the night my in laws so that we can be there at the start and just spend some time away. I don't feel comfortable with the kids going to Nashville because it is a big city. It makes me nervous and I like to be able to run carefree and not have to worry about how the kids are doing.
We got to Nashville and got to the expo to pick up my race packet. From the beginning I was disappointed there. Not many things to look at or anything like what I have seen in the past. They did have this photo thing that you could do so I decided to do a pic with the pink flowered necklace and a blue and green one.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Another week down
This time of year is always so hard anway. You have Halloween at the end of October, Thanksgiving in November and Christmas in December. All three involve food and lots of it. Halloween is more candy than the other two holidays but Thanksgiving and Christmas you have all the good food that only seem to be there around this time of year. The turkey and/or ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans and so much more. Then there is the desserts. Oh my goodness. My weakness is the cheesecake and I love peanut butter fudge.
Which brings me to the picture below. I have learned in the last month that you can work out all you want but you have to control what goes in your mouth the rest of the time. If you don't, it is a never ending cycle and you won't see much of a change. In fact, you may never see any change at all.
Below is a picture of Brad. We both are still learning and are committed to continue this journey. He is hoping for a better week so that he is able to share with y'all how much weight he has lost.
Regardless of what the loss or gain is for this week, I am still incredibly proud of him. He has found something that works for him and he is sticking with it. He is taking the good weeks along with the bad. Not every journey that you embark on, weight loss or otherwise, is going to be 100% perfect all the time. You have to take the cards that you are dealt because you can't change them. Why worry then?
Although Brad didn't have a good week, I did pretty good myself. I was able to lose 1.6 pounds which put me under what the highest weight would be for me to still be considered healthy. I have never been so excited. I have been working extremely hard for almost 5 years to get down to what is considered a healthy weight and I can't believe that I am finally there. I am hoping to lose about 10 more pounds or so then just work on maintaining from there.
Below is a pic that I took today when I got to my mother in law's. I love how I am able to wear jeans that I never was able to wear before because although they fit, they were still small. I had love handles hanging out and they were probably too tight to be wearing in the first. Which is why I hardly ever wore them. Now they fit perfectly. I am sure that eventually if I lose more that I won't be able to wear them and will have to go shopping. I would rather go shopping for workout clothes than regular clothes.
I still have a few areas that I need to work on but honestly from where I started, I have come a long way. I have lost almost 50 pounds in almost 5 years and in the last year alone I have put on weight and lost it multiple times. At one point this year I was 175 pounds!!! That was only 19 pounds away from my starting weight when I first started working out. So glad that I have eliminated stress and found something that works for me.
My advice this week is if you are looking for something to help you lose weight, find what works for you. Running and Zumba works for me but may not work for you. Find your happy place with your workout routine and go for it. You should also have a good support system. If you don't have one, I will be happy to be there for you. Remember that your food intake is important and no matter how hard you workout, you can't outwork a bad diet. Until next week friends. :)
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Live and Learn
The scale usually moves some on our low carb days and it wasn't moving at all. Personally I was upset because I was so close to being under what is considered overweight on the high side for my age and height. We learned that we can't eat a meal that contains a lot of sodium with every meal that we have on our free day because we will be paying for it later. We each carried about 3-4 pounds of water weight for 3-4 days. Very frustrating but we made the decision to eat it so we have to live the
Unfortunately for Brad, he had a weight loss but not as much as he would have if he had made better choices for Sunday. I am still very proud of him. He lost 20.6 pounds in 5 weeks which is amazing. Every person is different with their weight loss journey so I know that there are some people that would love to lose the amount of weight and in the time that he has. Below is an updated picture of him.
My weight loss for this week brought my total to 9.8 pounds. I know that is still awesome and I am very proud of the weight that has been coming off. I guess in a way I was slightly disappointed. I am about 1/2 pound away from being below a number that I briefly stayed at while training for my first half marathon back in 2012!! I am excited because I have noticed that I no longer have any love handles and my clothes are fitting looser. I am determined to make better food choices for my free day tomorrow and maybe by the next blog post that I write I will be able to tell you that I met my first goal. Below is an updated picture of me.
So the big lesson that we learned this week is while it is still ok to have a free day, we need to be more mindful of what we have because no one likes to keep loosing the same weight over and over again. If you are thinking about doing this, please keep that in mind. We make mistakes and we have to learn from those mistakes.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
It will be worth it!!
We gave every excuse in the book. The most famous one out there is I will start Monday. Well Monday rolls around and then it is next Monday. We didn't want to give up things that in all honesty we shouldn't have been eating. So luck would have it we came across his book one day when we went to Books A Million after taking the kids to Sky High to play.
We started his program the week of the fair and he has stayed consistent with it. Consistency is the key to have a successful weight loss. So we read his book and the first couple of days we were extremely tired and trying to get use to everything. The cravings that were coming on and all that. It was hard at first but we chose to stick with it. There are 4 different cycles that you can do. We have chosen to do Turbo. This is where you do two low carb days followed by a high carb day followed by another two days of low carb and another day of high carb. You will finally come to Sunday which will be a free day. Let me break it down a little bit more for everyone that has been asking.
On any of the carb cycles that you choose to do, you will be eating 5 times a day and every 3 hours. You are to eat 30 minutes after getting up and then every 3 hours after that. Your breakfast no matter if it is a high or low carb day will always consist of a carb. Whether it is a piece of whole wheat toast or a banana. There are definitely more options than just those two but those are just an example. We normally eat egg whites versus the whole egg and I will have mine on a whole wheat tortilla with some hot sauce.
For my morning snack, I will usually have some chicken with a little bit of ketchup and a handful of pecans. For lunch, most days I have a chicken fajita salad. Then for snack I will have some more chicken and sometimes will have some more pecans or a banana. For supper is usually some more chicken with some sort of vegetable.
The serving size is different for men and women. The serving size for your protein is usually the size of your palm. I don't have the book with me right now to tell you the serving size for the carbs, vegetables and fats. I highly recommend that you buy his book. It will be most beneifical to you if you are wanting to lose some extra weight.
Above is a picture of Brad. To date he has lost 19.2 pounds. This past week he has learned what foods causes him to retain water because of the sodium. He has done extremely well overall. He is doing amazing and I couldn't be more proud of him.
Above is a picture of me. To date I have lost 7.8 pounds. My biggest problem is I obsess with the number on the scale. Even though I see in the mirror the changes and I have been complimented on how much I have slimmed down. I am still working on not obsessing over what the scale says. It is definitely a work in progress.
We also try to work out 5 days a week along with this lifestyle change. I am starting to incorporate weights and on Saturdays right now is the day that I workout the hardest. I will do a long run followed by Zumba. Brad will do the elliptical machine and also weight training. This can be done without exercising but I would strongly recommend that you do. The benefits are so worth it. You feel so much better after a good workout. Even if you have a bad workout it is still better than no workout at all.
My husband and I chose to do this journey together so that we can keep each other accountable. We also want to set a good example for our children. What are you willing to do for your weight loss journey? Remember it may be hard now but it will be worth it in the end.
More than just a run
I am no longer pushing to do a faster time or to beat anyone in particular. The only person that I am competing with is myself. I get more satisfaction out of achieving a personal best than I would if I beat someone. I have learned that it is more enjoyable to embrace the run. The good and bad runs. Let's face it, not every run is going to be the same. Do you run a 5K in the same amount of time every time you run one? Of course not. That is almost impossible to achieve.
As the training for this half is coming to a close in a couple of weeks, I can't help but find myself to be thankful. Thankful to God for all that He has done for me. For bringing me out of a dark place. For allowing me the ability to still have my family despite everything that we have been through. He has used my running as a way of healing for all the bad things that have been going on in my life in the last few months. As I am running, it is so nice to see God's beautiful creation. The quietness of your surroundings if you will just take the time to look. He will also talk to you in the quietness if you are willing to listen to see what He has to say to you.
I ignored Him for so long but not anymore. My runs have allowed me to connect with Him again and heal from all the things in my past. From this long run, I didn't learn that I could run 9 miles. I learned to trust Him and be thankful for each day that He has given me.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Only 3 1/2 weeks away!!!
The pounds are just melting away
I am going to be honest. I really didn't think that this was going to work. I wasn't losing anything. On our free day or high carb day, I would put on a couple pounds or just a pound. It was very discouraging to me because I have struggled to lose the last 10-20 pounds that I would like to lose. I am happy to tell you that I was wrong. I have had success with this lifestyle change but Brad has had the most success. He has lost 16 1/2 pounds since this morning.
Friday, September 25, 2015
I'm going to be honest. I'm the worst when it comes to being impatient. I'm currently wanting to lose an additional 20-30 pounds but I want to see the results right now. Back in January of 2011, I weighed 194 pounds. I lost about 30 pounds in what seemed like instantly by doing only Zumba. I was beyond thrilled. Now that I want to lose more, I can't seem to.
I'm trying a new lifestyle change called carb cycling by Chris Powell. He's the host of the show Extreme Weight Loss. Chris will take on clients that are obese with the help of his wife Heidi. He will help them transform their life in a year. I've seen one guy this year lose all his weight in only three months. He had so much lean body mass that he killed it in the last first 90 days.
I have been doing his carb cycling program and I've seen it work. Yet I find myself becoming impatient. Jealous even. Jealous of those that have already lost the weight that they wanted and I haven't yet. Normal human reaction.
I want to know the feeling of succeeding again. I feel that I failed and during my failures I have gained weight. I have that weight and then some to lose. In other words instead of being impatient with myself, I would rather be proud of myself. For something after all the bad choices that I made. I hope that by the end of the year I can write another blog of my success. Will you help keep me accountable?
Friday, September 4, 2015
Sometimes sorry is all you can say
Almost a year ago, I published a blog post that I can't seem to find to get rid of. I'm ashamed of everything that I wrote in that blog post. I was in a very dark place. Without going into details, I was close to completely turning my back on God. Therefore, I was lashing out at anyone and everything that was concerning God.
I blamed God for my actions. That the reason I acted the way I did was because God didn't love me anymore. Satan had such a big hold on me that it took drastic events for me to realize the path that I was going down.
For those that I may have hurt in the past, I know that saying I'm sorry will not take the hurt away. I wish that it was that simple. I want you to know that I'm truly sorry for all the pain I've caused. I promise you that is not the person that I am.
I've found my way back and I'm far from being the person I use to be before I made the choices that I did. I hope that you will find it in your hearts to forgive me. Each day is a struggle and I'm trying to be Christ like. Unfortunately I fail at times so please know that I'm truly sorry.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Failure vs Success
It's been a while since I last blogged and to be honest, it feels awesome to be able to write y'all again. Over the last 1 1/2 years I have had so much personal things going on that although I hate to admit it, I chose failure over success.
I felt like I was failing at everything I did by the decisions that I had made and it took quite a bit of praying on my part and others that were so kind to pray for me even though I didn't want them to I was able to overcome my newest fear. The fear to succeed.
I had failed for so long that actually succeeding at something scared me to death. I'm currently training for my sixth half marathon and the thought of actually finishing scared me. I know I can run that distance because I have done it five times already.
This time training is becoming so much more than just running to cross that 13.1 finish line. With each stride that I make, I'm slowly letting go of the guilt that I have been carrying for almost two years for the hurt I have caused others and the disappointment that I have in myself.
So the next time that you choose failure over success ask yourself one question. What do you have to lose in succeeding?