Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Only as old as you feel

I am sure that everyone has heard of the saying, "You're only as old as you feel." Well today I felt like I was close to 100 on my run. As most of you know, I am doing the 1,000 mile challenge in 2016 and training for several upcoming races. So for today, I had an 8 mile long run planned. On the treadmill of all places. Normally this is ok but I will be honest. It was nothing short of a miracle that I was able to finish running the miles I had planned to run.

I stopped every few minutes after the first mile and half because everything that could have gone wrong did. My sock was sliding in my shoe, my sock was starting to curl under my toes, I didn't like the song I was listening to, I needed a drink, etc. The list could go on and on. It was horrible but I got it finished. 

The picture above pretty much describes how I felt once I finished.  I dug down deep and fought hard to finish those miles. I also run for a little boy that has Down Syndrome that I met through a group on Facebook. He really pushes me to do better with my workouts and he definitely had a part in me finishing those 8 miles. If you are interested in having your own running buddy, visit and register to get matched with buddy. Also dont forget to request to join the I Run 4 Michael Facebook group. Your life will be forever changed. I know mine has.

I was also reminded that a lot of working out is getting your body in shape but more getting your mind in shape. Even though I have been working out for almost 5 years, I still struggle with having my mind in shape. Every day that you work out the struggle may not exist or it takes everything that you have to dig deep and finish what you started. The important thing to remember is that everyone has those days and don't give up. 

Do exactly as this quote above says. Just keep moving. You got this. Remember everyone has to start somewhere and everyone struggles.

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