Friday, October 25, 2013

Change Can Be Good...Right?

Well, I have officially retired my training for half marathons until next year. I am still running and have a few races planned for the remainder of the year.

Tomorrow I have my first cold race. I tend to do better in cooler temps but when we are talking about running in below freezing temps, I will be lucky if the sweat doesn't freeze while I am running.

I am looking forward to this race because of the distance. It is only a 10k and I have noticed that is where I do my best time for a semi long distance run. Anything after that, I truly have to work for it and even then, it doesn't seem like I work as hard as I should because something tends to always go wrong.

Grant it sometimes you can't help it but it aggravates you to know you put months into training and you have to have problems on race day. Ugh!!!

Anyway, instead of putting my primary focus on running this winter and doing classes I have decided to branch out!! Which means change!!! Ahhh!! Yes it can be scary but it can be good. I have decided that I am going to start lifting weights.

This is quite intimidating to me because I have only done weights as far as classes goes. Monday was when I asked myself this question. Change is good...right? I really felt like I didn't know what I was doing. I was constantly looking at my phone to make sure I was doing the exercises right because a friend sent me a link on Facebook to do a weight training program.

It was definitely a struggling first week but I am happy to say that I made it!!! I didn't hurt myself and I must have done the exercises right because I am SORE!!! So that is what is up with me currently and I will be writing a post about my race tomorrow. So until next time.

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