Tuesday, August 20, 2013

38 Days & Counting!!

That's right. There are only 38 days till the Women's Half Marathon and then 52 days before the Middle Half. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am!!! I know I will be able to PR this time and with any luck cut at least 30 minutes off of my time!!! That would be awesome!!!

I am hoping to PR on the Middle Half as well since it is a flat course. To be honest, finishing within my goal time would be awesome but to be able to finish two half marathons two weeks apart is pretty amazing in itself.

The team captain actually told me that I should use the Women's Half as a training half and the Middle Half as one to PR on. That one is flat and let's face it, everyone usually runs faster when it is flatter. I am currently training on hills right now because the Women's has several hills along the course and I figured since that one was going to be first, I should do pretty good on the next one.

I already have a plan to take all of you on the journey of running the Women's Half. I am going to be taking lots of pics before, hopefully during and after the race. I am going to see if I can't get my husband to meet me at certain checkpoints along the course so I will be able tell you where I was at in the race. Maybe this time the camera batteries won't die.

I can't wait to share this journey with you. Looking forward to writing my blog on the day before and after. I hope you will check back then if not before. I do have several training runs planned.

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