Saturday, July 20, 2013

7 Mile Long Run

The below quote pretty much sums up my long run for my upcoming Half Marathon in September.  It seemed like anything that could have went wrong went wrong this morning.

My training schedule said that I was suppose to run 7 this morning and a friend of mine that I was going to run with this morning was going to do 8. I was like well I have no problem shooting for 8. If nothing else, I can run 7 and have a mile to cool down.  Well a little bit before I hit mile 3 I landed wrong on gravel that was on the road and about twisted my ankle. After that my run started to go downhill fast and I don't mean it in a good way. 

I had to stop a minute to make sure that everything was ok with my foot. Then when I did get started again it seemed to be slower and when I hit 4.18 miles I had to rest a minute because I was starting to get really hot and since it was extremely humid I wanted to make sure that I didn't pass out so I paused my run. Well apparently my Nike + app will only allow you to pass it for so long. So I had to end that run and start a new one.  I was slow going since it was warming up pretty fast it seemed like.  I also have plantar fasciitis in both of my feet so while I almost twisted my left ankle my right foot was messing up due to the plantar fasciitis.

So I wind up having to pause my run more than I wanted and usually don't walk much but I would walk up the hills and run down them. Our motto for the half marathon last year was "Never Waste a Downhill" so I definitely didn't do that.  I got my 7 miles in today but I was very disappointed with it.  I kept telling myself that I got 7 miles in and it doesn't really matter how.  With both my pace and my performance of the run.

When the weather was cooler, I could run about a minute or so faster than what I am running now and that is what I based my finish time on for the half. I know that this is where a lot of my criticism toward myself is coming from. I am just praying for cool weather.  I am beginning to learn that you need to focus on your own race.  Hence the name of the blog.  I tend to focus on other people's race and how they are performing.

Comparing myself to them and wondering why they are doing better than me.  Then in turn finding myself to be jealous which turned out to be the case here.  I was thinking about all the people that are doing better than me and finding myself getting upset.  Not at them but at me because I know that I have it in me to do better but I have never done well in the heat.  Whether it is walking or running so I am hoping that when the half marathon comes up I will do better.

I am looking forward to receiving this medal in September.  The bigger spur on the boot is a charm that can be put on a charm bracelet or necklace.  I am trying to remember the reason I started in the first place and receiving these medals is a good reminder.  I was the one that put in the hard work and dedication to receive this medal.  Nobody else could have done that for me and I am glad that I have the ability to do these races.  That is what has gotten me through this bad run for the day.  I am just going to keep trucking on.  So until I run again.

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